Hi Dennis,
a mix of midi & realtracks can sound reasonably good. I haven't really had any time to spend on the new version, but if I remember correctly, if your style is a midi version , it will suggest a realtrack alternative if one is available ie replace the midi guitar track with a realtrack guitar.
With all the 1000's of styles available , I doubt they'd have the time to update earlier styles with realtracks, so they have given us an option of doing so.
Have you tried Real Band yet? and don't say NO, you don't know what you're missing out on if you haven't. It's a great little sequencer program to use with BIAB.

Thanks Tony
I am recording some originals now so I might stick them up soon. This BIAB is really fun..realtracks stuff I mean..still nto usre about the midi styles, although through a decent sound module they would be okay I suppose.
Thanks again for the kind words.