#372162 - 09/19/13 09:41 PM
Re: Level of performers
[Re: Tostie]
Senior Member
Registered: 01/30/06
Posts: 3944
I must be a little bit like being gay, it's all out in the open now, a few should be relieved, now we all know they are not really professional, even though they are being paid, according to Dikipedia. I have been to a number of hotels in Spain and the level of playing is pretty good I must say, I have not had to go to bed early, one chap in was setting up his Ketron SD1 some years back and he said did I want to play so I did, I played "I Just Called to say I love you" the audience clapped like hell, all SZ couldn't have been there that night surely.
#372165 - 09/20/13 01:27 AM
Re: Level of performers
[Re: Bill in Dayton]
Senior Member
Registered: 05/05/00
Posts: 1384
Loc: koudekerke, Holland.
Like Don I am somewhat hesitant to enter in this discussion, not to say a little uncomfortable. I am in the dark as to why Joost , a fellow countryman of mine who lives at only 15 miles from where I reside, should have entered this post. I am all for calling a spade a spade but this feels wrong somehow, allow me to alleborate. Yes it is true that there is probably no country in the world where , per 1000 inhabitants, more arranger keyboards are being used, than here in Holland. Probably goes back to its religious/organ history. Having said that it is also true that the vast majority of those playing attain a level which Diki would find shocking, hell even I find it shocking. It is also true that this forum is basically a USA forum which a few stray members from Holland, Down Under and the oldies form the UK  It is also true that for too long a period of time this has been a forum hinged on the subject of "mine is better than yours ", but there has been vast improvement here. And like Diki says ( one of the few things I see eye to eye with him) these days it does not make all that much difference what motl or totl keyboard you play, they are all great. But I am totally in the dark as to what point Joost is trying to make here. He and Rico are the two Dutchies who basically post their recordings , of outstanding quality no doubt about it, so what ? I have have rarely seen any posting by them to deal with sorting out problems etc. that fellow SZ members encounter with their instrument, one of the main objects of these forums I would say. The observation regarding those who do post their recordings may be true from a highly professional/ skilled point of view but what is the point here , I cannot help wondering. Incidentally Joost if you care to visit the personal websites of folks like DonM, Donnny, etc.etc. you will find you are not the only one who has an outstanding level of performance, added to which it needs additional qualities to be an allround entertainer and not just a talented keyboard or piano player. Just as this forum is heading the right way I do not think we need post like this really. Let's focus on the great merits of the current and new generation of keyboards and try and help each other out by sound advice etc. There I have said it....... regards to ALL, John P.S. Saswick, your recordings have improved indeed imho. Keep up the good work. 
#372176 - 09/20/13 09:18 AM
Re: Level of performers
[Re: john smies]
Senior Member
Registered: 01/30/06
Posts: 3944
Like Don I am somewhat hesitant to enter in this discussion, not to say a little uncomfortable. I am in the dark as to why Joost , a fellow countryman of mine who lives at only 15 miles from where I reside, should have entered this post. I am all for calling a spade a spade but this feels wrong somehow, allow me to alleborate. Yes it is true that there is probably no country in the world where , per 1000 inhabitants, more arranger keyboards are being used, than here in Holland. Probably goes back to its religious/organ history. Having said that it is also true that the vast majority of those playing attain a level which Diki would find shocking, hell even I find it shocking. It is also true that this forum is basically a USA forum which a few stray members from Holland, Down Under and the oldies form the UK  It is also true that for too long a period of time this has been a forum hinged on the subject of "mine is better than yours ", but there has been vast improvement here. And like Diki says ( one of the few things I see eye to eye with him) these days it does not make all that much difference what motl or totl keyboard you play, they are all great. But I am totally in the dark as to what point Joost is trying to make here. He and Rico are the two Dutchies who basically post their recordings , of outstanding quality no doubt about it, so what ? I have have rarely seen any posting by them to deal with sorting out problems etc. that fellow SZ members encounter with their instrument, one of the main objects of these forums I would say. The observation regarding those who do post their recordings may be true from a highly professional/ skilled point of view but what is the point here , I cannot help wondering. Incidentally Joost if you care to visit the personal websites of folks like DonM, Donnny, etc.etc. you will find you are not the only one who has an outstanding level of performance, added to which it needs additional qualities to be an allround entertainer and not just a talented keyboard or piano player. Just as this forum is heading the right way I do not think we need post like this really. Let's focus on the great merits of the current and new generation of keyboards and try and help each other out by sound advice etc. There I have said it....... regards to ALL, John P.S. Saswick, your recordings have improved indeed imho. Keep up the good work. John, You have not done bad to say your hesitant to wade in, nearly 1000 words.
#372181 - 09/20/13 11:08 AM
Re: Level of performers
[Re: Tostie]
Registered: 02/08/08
Posts: 388
Loc: Los Angeles, CA
Since I became a member (a few years ago) Somehow I'm always asking myself how the audience is tolerating the level of the performer. Let me be clear, I do not question someone's skills
Joost Skill levels are always changing. Part of growth as an Artist or Musician is taking chances & leaving yourself vulnerable. It allows you to evaluate & re-tool who you are... When I "released" my first Cassette Album circa 1993, it wasn't very good..I cringe today when I hear the Alesis SR16 stock drum patterns, my "pitchy" spots & a level of playing well below semi-pro..But it was the best I could do at the time, it was where I was at. However it was a huge stepping stone to learn what works and doesn't, & to get me too where I am today. I helped me find my voice. If I never took a chance and kept believing I COULD when I COULDN'T, I'd never have evolved in my music. Here my first very basic video to a brand new song I "released" in the last month..I wrote it, I am singing it. After my hires and fires I work exclusively with one "Producer/Arranger". he knows my sound & style... As a VIDEO I know this lacks...Financially, It's "the best" I can do right now...Do I put myself "out there"? Or lament that my budget is zero? Or better yet, put nothing out because I am not there yet? Hopefully the audience can put up with me, as I am naive in so many aspects of how to do this music thing I absolutely love..... Here is my 1 and only YOUTUBE & the best I can do as of today http://youtu.be/oKKKQ3utjco
Steve A http://www.stevealtonian.comKorg Pa4x 76...TASCAM DP24 & DP24 SD. Studio One 6 Professional with a FADER PORT 16. 1969 Yamaha FG-300 Yamaha Red Label Nippon Gakki. Breedlove American CME 25. Neumann TLM-49