Since Ireland changed to the Euro, Thomann’s price maybe okay for Euro users, but not necessarily OK for the Sterling (GB pound) or Dollar area or other non Euro areas. I bought from them once in UK but between accepting their advertised price in GB pounds and paying for the goods, the price had risen considerably. I think they manipulate the exchange rate. I complained but they gave me a load of nonsense about the exchange rate and their total honesty. I suppose I could have returned the goods but I didn’t bother in the end since the article I bought wasn’t too expensive (a microphone). Anyway, the point is, if you live in non Euro countries, and you use Thomann, the price may, and probably will change between ordering and getting. I asked them to stand by their advertised price but they refused point blank. I know that they could, and should keep to their advertised price since fluctuations in the exchange rate have a swings and roundabouts effect. What is the good of advertising a price if you are going to alter it when someone buys from you? I find that bordering on dishonest. Has anyone here bought from Thomann and found that the price actually went down ( because of an exchange rate change) between ordering and paying? That might restore my faith in Thomann (might, might not).