The styles in the second video are identical to the T4.
Three years ago, there were a lot of complaints that the T4 wasn't much of an upgrade from the T3, but because they had upgraded the drum kits, everything sounded fresh. On the T5 however, you are actually getting the very same style - with no changes that I can hear - that you already had on the T4.
The Audio Style in the first video is nice. I'm very curious about what the options for creating our own audio styles are. The Specs say 124MB for USER audio style ...
I am wondering about those 128 mb too.If that is all than there really no points to have audio styles.I would like for Yamaha to make some really good drum kits expansion.Audio styles don't mean anything to me if you can't have them all at least 90% instead of 10%.And if they make gypsy violin expansion......
I will probably get me T5.I just have to check from where.