I have been playing around a lot with vsts that allow you to create legato play and setups with different articulations. And since i dont have options to sample those insrruments myself, its quite hard to find samplesets that work well together...
My results never where of such a level that i was totally happy with a sound..
In the Motif series its also possible to create sounds with articulations ( not SA2 however ) but it seems hardly anyone uses that technollogy and you mostly find it in the sounds created by the true pros. I want to share this link with you where this option in the Motif series is described.
Super articulation on the Motif As a kronos owner, i must admit that there is nothing like this technollogy in the kronos ( atleast not to my knowledge) and its the strong point of Yamaha, some people dont even realise how advanced some of the features from the motif are... SA2 is still an awesome program feature unseen in any of the pro workstations, same goes for the new ensemble voices..