First of all , what a surprise...
I have to thank all of you who have sent me yesterday hundred of kind words to encourage me and support me.
(more than 200 emails received yesterday, so I usually get about a dozen emails a day).
This is the second part of this special demo at Espace Claviers music store
This demo has taught me many things,
this time we will listen to some very good pianos and electric pianos voices .
I guess some of you don't understand french, I made a list of piano sounds played by the demonstrator in my article on my web site.
I have made some registrations for with these pianos sounds and have learned to use DSP effects to transform beautifully the sounds.
Without discussing with the demonstrator , I never suspect I could do all those things .
I always like to meet demonstrator, players ... to watch how they play , how they do it, hear what they say, I learn a lot of things, simply because I am NOT a good keyboard player playing with artistic stuff.
I simply enjoy playing and learning every day from others in watching and discussing respecfully with players and demonstrators even if it is not my style of music.
I simply respect the way they share because all kind of music is beautiful and respectable.
Respect is the greatest quality to have
because it is an important thing to give and to receive.
Respect shows that you think that the other person has value and that you want to show them that.
But that is my own personal opinion
Once again, big big THANKS to what I would call "The Silent Majority" to encourage and show me their support.
From now and as usual, IF you are interested,
you can find the complete article on my web site .
Link is below in my signature
Have a nice weekend.