I remember there was an Aussie who created the moveable keyboard, where not only touch and after touch were available but of course pitch bend vibrato basically he same as the Seaboard.
What I love about it is the ability to not have to leave the keyboard to do pitch bends and vibrato's and so on. I wonder if the Aussie is connected with these people? I'm sure he had his system patented.
What I don't like about the Seaboard, as apposed to the Aussie original design is it's total abstain from the traditional looking keyboard, I suppose one could colour the keys?, and I do understand that some people would love its new design. Also along with another poster, I too wonder how long the pads will last?
But however, I do see this as the future of keyboards. Imagine no necessity to have pitch bend and vibrato wheels? Whoaaah!
Looking good for the future I say, will be watching to see who of the major manufacturers are game enough to go with it, with some minor design mods