As I mentioned on another post, I was unsuccessful at hooking up the SD1 hard drive directly to a computer. It can't "see" it properly in order to open up and see the files.
However I still have the cable to connect from the SD1 to computer and I can use the Ketron FT utility program. All good. Just one small hiccup. I need to use an adaptor cable to change the serial port end to a USB.
So will this work automatically? Do I need to change anything within the XP control panels regarding the ports? Is it possible the FT program will naturally do this? I know very little about the nuts and bolts of these things. It's my last chance to get this working short of looking for a very old computer with a male serial port it could be plugged into, but then I don't even know if one that old would also have a USB port so I can save them on a thumb drive.
Would greatly appreciate any help!