Hi Guy's
Worked for me on the Pa600, maybe the Pa900 is different.
Col ... yes, it must be, but I am not sure why it
should be - grant you I know NOTHING about file layout or size in ANY KB - but as Graham said, we've all had problems ... in my case 'Songbook Editor' recognized all the factory songbook lists, but neither of the two I created as a test ... and all I did was use factory styles I renamed and even a couple of 'song styles' direct from the factory songbook ...
What I don't understand is why the Pa900 on-line user manual states:
Use the SongBook Editor software (freely available from our
web site) to edit your SongBook on a PC.and yet Graham gets told by KORG that it's not available for the Pa900
My problem is that when I created my custom styles and song lists on the Pa600, I did so on an 'as needed' basis, without any 'forward' planning ... Now, before switching from the Pa600 to the Pa900, I thought it would be a good idea to re-arrange my song lists into more 'logical' groups, which I did on the pa600 ... of course I did not take into consideration that the songbook doesn't hold data, but only points to the location the data is to be found ... after loading the Pa600 data into the Pa900, imagine my surprise when I went to call up a 'song' and the Pa900 couldn't find it - because it was no longer in its previous location ... since I changed that location, the data could not be found ...
As I understand it, this can be more easily fixed through the 'Songbook Editor' software
IF it worked for the Pa900 ...