Don, try taking the SN Jazz Guitar, then feed it into a few of the amp sims. Keep the input level low-ish (that's how you don't overload the amp sim, and you get a more expressive gradual break-up as you play harder). EQ out some bottom, maybe boost some upper mids, it's total blues guitar heaven!
Add some delay by re-tasking the main chorus send, but send to it from the MFX, NOT the main mixer, set it to a tempo-linked setting... OMG!
The main thing is, the SN guitar takes care of all that solo/chording stuff, makes the chords riff better, then the amp sim gives it the crunch. I have it set up so the swell pedal controls the guitar volume, and it goes from a nice semi-clean rhythm sound to a nice creamy lead sound, simply by bringing up the swell pedal. And, just like an amp, the sim stops it getting too loud at the top, so BOTH sounds sit in the mix quite nicely.
Experiment, have fun, rock on..!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!