... I posted it on S-Z Buy/Sell, but waiting to get the Pa900 before going all out to sell it ...
And stop slapping yourself in the face ... I'm sure if you asked Nancy politely she would be happy to ...
... and you KNOW you want it (the 600, that is) ...
PS the Pa900 should be here Tues or Wed, I hope ...
Good luck selling but honestly it would have been gone on
Ebay by now,

........seriously I am not in the market for another arranger at this time...the S-950 is one AWESOME KB!
next month is my 1 year anniversary for me and my S-950 baby.......BUT, .....I will be interested to see what the new S-960 brings to the table soon

......but, I
WON'T fall into the T4/T4 upgrade trap UNLESS there are
MAJOR Changes in the features I am concerned with like the VH2, MFD, OTS button locations, Hand grips on sides, revised audio styles,
Tilt display, front USB port....