Yep, it sure is great, especially hearing those who were a little, shall we say, "reluctant" to post music for many reasons.
I was just telling someone the other day that SZ is unique in that it is, populated by arranger players, a breed apart from the other keyboard players, and, it's not a manufacturer specific forum, which allows for lots of comparisons, some a little
vigorous, between
different brands and models.
For the most part, it is a pretty cool site, except for the occasional always-bound-to-go-nowhere "frivolous contests of urinary supremacy" (or "Tinkle Tourneys"), and, I must say I have learned a great deal here on SZ, not all of it relating to music, but many times a lesson in relating to others.
Ah, the arranger keyboard...loved by some, loathed by others, and totally misunderstood by more than a few. It’s considered a “tool” or a “toy” depending on one’s point of view.
Those of us who have embraced the instrument, and think it is a simply wonderful and marvelous invention, are quite fortunate to have a forum that caters specifically to the various ways to use this unique keyboard....or, we can discuss the weather.

In any case, I'm stickin' around...I've been lucky to have made some great friends here.

Thanks for your patience and tolerance, Nigel, and thanks for SZ.
