Last night I had to do songs from the WWII era, ......and lots of other period tunes.
Gary.......those songs are what keeps my sanity. When the "present environnment" starts to get to me, I put on the headphones and listen to my mp3 WWII British songs (I recorded my whole collection onto my hard drive).
Another great song I discovered only recently was Long Ago And Far Away. I never heard that song before until I heard Gene Kelly singing it to Rita Hayworth in the film Cover Girl (and, of course, the graceful dancing in between).
Every one of those songs would make it on it's own as either just a melodic piece of music or as simply written "poetry" with NO music. Together (words AND music) it's a knockout punch!
BTW...I'm not able to listen to Colin's version (I have dial-up) but, I have to say, Bob Hughes (in another group) did a great cover of We'll Meet of my favorites (and the White Cliffs of Dover).
We did those songs in the English pubs night after night and I really miss playing them.
Colin......sock it to Donny with....Maybe It's Because I'm A Londoner!!!!