The Clavinova is probably the best all-rounder, and when you take into account the quality cabinet, sound system and key bed it is competitively priced against the Tyros keyboards.
The Atelier organs are also top notch (Although you do have to go up the range to get some of the features that are on arrangers) with quality cabinets, sound systems and key beds, and as far as I am aware they will play G70/E80 styles. (Which although these days are quite antiquated, still show a clean pair of heels to anything Yamaha currently produce (Personal Opinion)
The downside is that both Pianos and Organs are designed to be played, therefore the easy play style systems provided by arrangers are of secondary importance, and thus editing of them is more limited.
If you’re into Yamaha than a
TRX System may be what you are after as they are extremely popular with those who have grown tired of arranger single keyboard limitations.
Hope this helps