I enjoyed the Kn5000 when I used one many years ago on stage,bought it from Don M
But in NO WAY does it compare to my S-950 I use today.
"the msp pads actually sync to your tempo (when I played with a tyros 4 I couldn't get it to do that---neither could the salesperson)"
I never had that problem with multipads on a Yamaha unit please explain further?
I did like the Kn5k tilt display, speakers and multipads and many of the styles which I still have but dont convert well to Yamaha.
"(I didn't like the trumpet on it....I made some minor adjustments and I feel it rivals the real thing)"
This I would have to disagree with, to
Rival a
"Real Trumpet" I would have to hear a demo for sure.
I guess for it's time it was a super arranger Kb ......
but like many older units technology has surpassed them by....good luck.