I am having the same kind of probles with the MIDJPRO, receiving continuous MIDI signal, and therefore acting herratic and sometimes freezing. Due to the flaws in the first versions of the O.S., I blamed it on the bugs all the time, but now I realise that it could be the same case like yours...
Can you, please, point out a direct link to the product that solved your problem? Does it need to be preprogrammed?
Regards, Daniel.
P.S. I've digged deeper and found your explanation on another forum, regarding the Midi Solutions Programmable Input Selector. Is that the problem solver?
Edited by danielbordeiu (12/04/14 07:52 AM)
Roland RD700 exp., Ketron Audya5, Ketron MIDJPRO, TC Helicon Harmony-M, EV N/D967, Shure Beta58A, Roland FR4X, Yamaha PSR SX900