Enjoy Danny ! I have always maintained there is nothing like having two arrangers of two different companies. (sure, 3 arrangers, but that would become cumbersome and too complicated). Although I have been doing preciously little playing myself over the last few months I still think my current Korg +Ketron set up is great and even more than things that I can do justice to.
John, I see what you're seeing but I see the T4 & S950 as the same thing. The T4 will always be my first keyboard but I also needed a portable (or backup) version of it as a combination. The Korg will be my proper second keyboard that will offer the differences I needed
Congrats, and I hope you have some time off this weekend to enjoy your new toy.
Thanks but no chance of that !!! It's both my daughters birthday a day after each other, one is her 16th and the other one is her 18th so no keyboard playing for me until Sunday evening at the very earliest !
I couldn't even spend a lot of time on it tonight as been dragged into a problem at work
Spent an hour solid with it, it's very reminiscent of the PA1x I had, many similarities especially in the styles. The Ballads are superb (and the main reason why I wanted a Korg again, especially the unplugged styles they are really awesome) but a little disappointed with the Dance section as there's not many new ones, I recognise almost 80% of them, however the first Disco on the list is out of this world.