Hi all.
I post this on behalf of Scott: sobrand@hotmail.com
Hi Henni,
...The biggest problem I am having is the chord recognition. My GEM Genesys easily follows my playing on midi guitar and knows what chord I am playing, the Audya is slower and misreads chords or doesn't read them so doesn't change making it sound "off".
I don't know if the Audya4 has a different setting since it's made for accordion or midi guitar of if it reads chords better. I know it has specific accordion settings, and like a piano can read what chord is being played from the keys pressed, midi guitar is a different animal. Not too many using the Audya I think, and if so are using bass pedals, which I do have but are hard to master and get chords such as m7 our 9th.
Any ideas?
I wrote AJ, but no response.
Thanks again