I think there is the OMB/Businessman point of view and the MUSICIAN'S point of view. Each has different requirements and different expectations from their instrument. You won't find any classically trained, (true) professional level, musician using or even owning an arranger keyboard. Likewise, you won't find more than 1% of arranger-playing OMB's that could play a solo piano or organ gig. Anyway you look it, an arranger keyboard, despite it's many virtues, is a CRUTCH used by the same people who prefer a 'magic' diet pill to proper diet and exercise.
A lot of what Donny said (I can't believe I'm saying this

) is true; most TRUE professionals wouldn't be caught dead on a gig with an arranger keyboard. It may make you feel good to say that they're all "ignorant" and YOU are smarter than 99% of the musician population, but you're only blowing smoke up your own butt.
Arranger keyboards are aimed primarily at 'home players'. Pro musicians know this, the manufacturers know this, most of the non-arranger-owning world knows this. But, to quote the 'good book', "there is none so blind as he that WILL not see".
Me personally, I think arrangers are great as a vehicle to push the technology, and an absolute boom to OMB's with passable vocals but couldn't play their way out of a paper bag. Few of those would be able to keep all those hip-replacements on the dance floor without them (arrangers).
So here's to Arrangers and their fanatical followers. Heck, I may take one out on a gig myself, but not till I perfect my lip-sync and Air Guitar skills.
PS: Hey Worth, you, of all people, should know that that great Gospel Organ and Gospel piano can ONLY be done on the REAL thing, baby. So put that arranger down and go practice

. BTW, if you ever make it to the 'states', look me up; I'd love to meet you.