We can put your vArranger licence on one USB thumb drive, that you can use on any computers. You can also send me this USB to France to get a 100% refund if you are not happy. (for normal people)
For now there is no style creator inside vArranger. It will for sure come one day in a free update.
You need to use an external program to convert a midifile to a Roland, Yamaha, Ketron, Korg style, that vArranger can play.
Now for Bachus :
Audio pads will probably come. Not sure about MIDI- arpegiators ( as in the korg and tyros pads)
Not sure if there is a need for that- tempo controll (frontpage switch that overrides the preprogrammed style tempo)
Nice Idea- OTS
Already there. 20 OTS per style 
- special kontakt soundsets for Roland, Ketron, korg and Yamaha styles..
Better than this is coming- (vst) instrument list... ( this is a list where you can choose the presets and user sounds in a VST including the VST effects chain ) this will allow the player to easily choose the VST sounds he saved in the list without going trough the process of configuring the whole VST each time they want to use a sound)
For now you can save one VST FULL STATE for every VSTi startup.
I will add a list soon.
For now, you can already navigate through the VST internal program list from vArranger, or use midi program change
- allowing atleast 32 VSTs trough your VST host..
For now only 16 VSTi. No one complained yet. 
- using VST effects for the SF2 sounds.
Already done. 3 VST AUX FX for Reverb, Chorus, Delay. Will add maybe soon one VST FX Insert per track too, for nice disto.- a master effects section...
Will add this too, for basic synth EQ- rewire capabillity.
Not soon- atleast 4 variations, fills and intros
It is already infinite 
- Harmony feature (on front screen)
Will add this soon- programmed ensemble mode... (If you understand how T5 ensemble feature works, it can be programmed easilly as it is just a matter of if then else statements and while do loops)
Maybe you will explain this to me one day- support for audya audio styles (probably will require a license of elastique)
Already done, but don't want to hurt Ketron with this.
Audio drums will come for sure- build in music notation score reader
Already done, but not musical notes. Only PDF, JPG, etc...- 2nd screen support
Already Done- support for MAC OSX
Not for now...- an own advanced style format, supporting like 16 tracks and 8 variations, intros, endings fills but also the specifics of your attached VST sounds including settings
Will come too- a matrix mode... Like ableton or the yamaha mobile music sequencer, but not launching clips, but style parts...
Not the first goal of vArranger, but.. who knows - dynamic styles mode, with style volume reacting to how hard you play your chords,
I never used this feature on my arrangers and styles dynamically switching variations on how you play your right hand ...
Right Hand? can you explain- get a deal with Steven Kay, to build in Karma intoo the Varranger... Could be an option, developed by steven kay and sold by steven kay...
I never understood this Karma 
-support for the new komplete kontroll software in your arranger...
Don't know what I can do with the key lightings, maybe show the splits
... I don't think they will allow me to use their screens.
Even for controlling the Novation SLMKII, I had to hack a bit...
Thank you, I will just copy your ideas in my suggestions list