Hey Gunnar, You're absolutely correct

Last night, I tried uploading to PC, some of my old KN2000 discs, which I recorded many moons ago and they worked OK. So I checked the content of my discs against the content of the commercial discs and found that the difference was that the 'Hidden' attribute was set on all the files on the commercial floppies. I cleared the 'H' attribute and they are now visible and transferrable in Song Manager.
I was about to post my finding here when I saw your comments Gunnar

Great minds think alike ??????
Barry, it looks as if the problem you have, is caused by the files on the 'Music Disc Collection' floppies, being 'Hidden'.
To allow Song Manager to see the files, the Hidden Attribute on all the files needs to be cleared. If you don't know how to do this, just ask.