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#397447 - 12/26/14 01:51 PM I think I may have figured it out!
analogcontrolfreak Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 04/16/03
Posts: 1531
Well, I think I may have had a break though. Sort of... For Christmas mom bought me a Moog Etherwave theremin as a present. I really am enjoying it, but I have learned something about myself. I really have no talent at all, when it comes to playing music. When I sit down, or up in the case of The Theremin. My mind is completely blank. I mean there really is nothing going on up there at all? No matter how hard I try, or practice. There is absolutely nothing going on in my brian. I think this steems all the way back to my childhood, and why I always struggled to learn to play an instrument. Most musicans have the ability to play by thinking about it, or remembering a piece of music. For me that is not even possible. Even when I practice. My brain just does not function for some reason. I mean I love listening to music, but playing and creating that I just can not seem too do.

#397455 - 12/27/14 07:21 AM Re: I think I may have figured it out! [Re: analogcontrolfreak]

I hope you have fun with your instruments nevertheless. I don't know what kind of lessons you had to train your ears.
I just found a very good ear training website:

Additionally to identifying the notes, try to remember the one you just answered and try to SING the next one shown. It may be difficult first.

I think it's just a matter of time and repetition until you improve.

Then, as a next step, there are many videos about playing by ear on Youtube.

Have fun with it.

#397469 - 12/27/14 12:40 PM Re: I think I may have figured it out! [Re: analogcontrolfreak]
analogcontrolfreak Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 04/16/03
Posts: 1531
Unfortunealty, I have no ear for music.

#397488 - 12/28/14 05:11 AM Re: I think I may have figured it out! [Re: analogcontrolfreak]

Research has shown that even people who say they have no ear for music show different reactions in their brain depending on harmonic or disharmonic chords being played, and so everybody has the potential to be musical. I think you can train your ear if you really want to.

Edited by rosetree (12/28/14 05:12 AM)

#397542 - 12/29/14 04:45 PM Re: I think I may have figured it out! [Re: analogcontrolfreak]
analogcontrolfreak Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 04/16/03
Posts: 1531
Yea, but I have a hard time trying to retain certain things in my head. Let alone music. Just can't seem to translate a song or tune from my head to an instrument.


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