the 6k slideshows were completely different to the 7k, so 7k slideshows are no use.
you need a 16 track sequence (no composers, panel memories etc) and the trigger is a step record of pan left 63 in track 15. Successive reductions of 1 then trigger further pictures.
demo mode is used (you do not load the disk normally) and 2 index files are required to match up to the sequence name thus:
where IFEELLV is the name of the 6k sequence and HowDoIDoThat is the name to appear in the screen.
ifeellv.act (to match the sequence name)
etc etc etc to last picture:
obviously then the pictures are named 01.jpg etc and are 620x240 jpegs, 16M colours should be ok without enhanced sampling. The total picture memory was around about 700kB.
Alec Pagida