#40052 - 10/22/05 06:49 PM
KN7000 vs Tyros 2
Registered: 10/02/05
Posts: 129
Hi, KN7000 -
Thanks you for your following quote.
"Hi Kn7. Just a little back-up for you, re the kn7000. I consider the kn7000 to be the best sounding, user friendliest, best all in styles, without having to lay-out for 11 expansion boards like the Roland G-70 at considerable Extra cost to the buyer. The kn7000 had it all, and it proved itself to beat allcomers. The company let it down by stopping all productions of musical instruments. Hence the only reason I sold my KN7000 was because of the Technics Company. I am extremely sorry I did sell. I feel like I've lost a part of myself. kn7000"
Well said. I'm sorry for your loss of a great instrument. Hopefully, you will find another.
Perhaps the people at Panasonic decided that they had reached a plateau in keyboard technology and there was no further technology needed that hadn't already been done. Let's face it guys, you have all these sounds that can create any type music on the face of the earth, what more do you want!!! Perhaps I will turn in my KN7000 when it can cook for me, clean house and do my shopping. Until then, I will compose; come up with fabulous arrangements in COMPOSER and on the SEQUENCER while all the one-finger players play on the over emphasized Tyros 2. Hopefully, all the owners won't get a hernia lifting the external speakers that sit on the keyboard, like "two warts on a witch's chin" and woofer to kick in to that will cause ingrown toenails. Let them suffer in their own "gotta have the latest" technology frenzy.
#40054 - 10/23/05 03:20 AM
Re: KN7000 vs Tyros 2
Senior Member
Registered: 07/21/05
Posts: 5425
Loc: English Riviera, UK
Technics was just the marketing brand of the Matsushita Electric company of Japan, and was originally used to define the companies high quality audio equipment, (The more basic going under the Panasonic name) the first musical instruments to use this name were the U series of Organs which were one of the most user friendly instruments of the time, (Previous organs went under the Panasonic name) this was in the early eighties, and if the sales had not been increased by this remarketing of the Musical instrument range, they were going to pull the plug on production. Fortunately it worked and production continued, eventually moving on to include Pianos and Single keyboards. Like all companies Matsushita constantly review the markets for there products, and in the early part of this century they found that the musical instrument division produced just 1% of turnover, which they considered not worth continuing with, and so the plug was pulled. The main reason for the instruments user friendliness was because all there musical instruments were designed as a consumer product (To them the Musical instruments were no different to a TV, Hi-Fi or Washing machine) not a stage instrument, unlike Yamaha, Roland, Korg etc, who watered down there stage instruments (Synths etc) so that the General Public could use and understand them. (This changed over the years as the market increased, and so these companies set up consumer divisions)
English Riviera: Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).
#40056 - 10/23/05 09:54 AM
Re: KN7000 vs Tyros 2
Registered: 10/02/05
Posts: 129
Very good points made by all.
There is one thing that must be mentioned that has played a huge part in lack of Technics keyboard sales. Through the years you have not been able to buy them in any professional music store. They were sold ONLY in stores that carried pianos and organs and it had to be a dealer that sold Technics organs and pianos. They were basically designed for home use and not for the musician that was a professional. Yamaha, Korg, Roland keyboards can be purchased anywhere. I remember when I was trying to buy a KN6000 years ago when it came out, I found it difficult to find one on line. It was known that Technics wouldn't allow their keyboards to be sold on the Net. As it was, I contacted a site that discounted musical instruments but didn't carry Technics. The owner had a friend that was a Technics dealer and put me in touch with him and I made the contact that way. In other words, it was through a contact that I was able to buy the keyboard at a discount because this Technics dealer was a piano dealer and had no website. I have always found it amazing that they never pushed their keyboards to the public as could easily be found by the aforementioned keyboards. Quite frankly, I was always pleased that it wasn't easy to find a Technics keyboard. Playing in public, I certainly didn't want the guy down the street to be playing on a board like mine. With Yamaha, Korg, Roland... they can be purchased and discounted in any Music gear shop, including Radio Shack and electronic discount businesses that sell cameras, etc.
We all should feel VERY SPECIAL on this forum for we have had the good fortune to play and own a Technics board. I'm sure it would come to know surprise of professional musicians not being fully aware of the capabilities of our keyboards. They being directed to the other brands in music shops catering to the "professional."