(also posted on PSR Tutorial forum).
Hi - I have made Wireless (bluetooth) MIDI work on the Tyros5, using the
mi.1 connect MIDI device. I can write more sometime about the details, once
I have done more testing and experiments.
The device is at:
http://www.quicco.co.jp/archives/shop_menu/wireless-midi-interface-mi-1-2Amazon sells it in the USA.
My goal was to have my iPad, using unrealBook, control my Tyros by calling up Registrations for me when I load a song (PDF file) on the iPad. There are separate notes about how to control Registrations on a Tyros 5 with unrealBook and other apps.
Anyway, I took a chance and bought the mi.1 and with a bit of settings work (on
the iPad and on the Tyros, I got it working! I was able to play iPad music apps from the Tyros5 keyboard, and also able to send Registration change MIDI data from the iPad to the Tyros5 - all wirelessly.
As I use it more and really test it out, I can write more ...