I am shboom. Thank you! The forums that get the most Traffic are: The Arranger Keyboard Forum, General & Computer Forum, and lastly the Synths forum.
The Vintage Synth Explorer forums, can get pretty bad. So I don't go on there as often. I still post here, on occasion. I used to get excited to come in here, and read comments left to some of my threads. Although, I had some pretty crappy threads, and I could be nasty, without realizing it. Had someone, call me out on it. Then, I started to back off. Before I knew it, I was on Facebook. Which exploded.
I have gotten older, and better now then I was when I first joined. Although, I miss the people I mad friends with on here. One is on Facebook, though, we don't talk as much as we used to.
The other thing that has changed, is I have an i-Mac now, as opposed to a PC. When I first joined the Synth Zone BBS.
Nigel, is one of the few people on here who still replies to my threads. I just, wish I could contribute more to other peoples threads, but I am not experienced enough to do that sometimes, but I'll give it a try.