Fist of all, congratulations on your initial purchase of the SD7 and we hope you'll be able to give it another try ... after reading our response below.
1.Is the locking up/freezing issue a known issue and has it been addressed with an update.
>>>AJ:- Do you remember what exactly you did (steps) for it to lock up? This would help in trouble shooting the problem. We will soon be releasing a new OS that fixes some minor bugs and better enhances existing features on the SD7.
2.When I changed an audio drum set within a style... the fills on that style (all fills) became break fills (drums only)
>>>AJ:- Correct (for now) and this is currently being addressed (the fills ins do not become breaks but the fill ins activate the fill in drums only - missing the chord and bass tracks). The question is in STYLE MODELLING - when you change the Drum, should the style maintain the fill ins and breaks of the original style or adopt the fill/break from the source style of the new audio drum? That later is a little more tricky as now we have to also take into consideration the length of the chord and bass tracks from the source file. We are ponding on offering both options ... and the resolution to this will be rectified in a new OS.
3.The four one touch settings do not have the option to save volume or octave settings.. do you know if this will be in an update as this feature is important to me.
>>>AJ:- Actually they do, but the approach you took wasn't initially accurate. When you pick a style, it comes with 4 OTS (factory voices) which have been set by the factory. In order to customize the OTS, you need to first customize the voice you want to use in the OTS (this route was chosen over the other so that once you customize a voice, you can use that same voice in so many other locations like FAVORITE LIST, other styles, Midifiles ... etc. So say you want to use a PIANO, but you want it set at a different octave than that set by KETRON - Easy ... select that piano voice (when you press the VOICE button and touch PIANO)... next touch and hold down for 2 seconds the PIANO voice you wich to use as a OTS ... this brings you into the VOICE EDITOR. In this editor, you can change the volume, pitch, effets, pan, velocity at which voice is heard, split points at which voice can be played on the keyboard ... etc and tweek to your heart's desire. Once done, you can now SAVE this as a USER VOICE (under the PIANO voice group). Repeat this for all voices you which to customise (Remember - the style and registration do not affect what's in the voice or style - they simply recall the vocies/styles used). When done, go back to your style in question and on the OTS screen, touch and hold down the voice you want to replace (witih yours). The SD7 will take you to the VOICE selection screen. Press USER VOICE and then go to the PIANO (where you stored your EDITED PIANO)or any other USER voice group location where you stored your voice. Touch your new piano sound - and it will automatically be loaded into the USER VOICE LOCATION you just touched (with your octave setting, your shift setting, your effects setting .. etc - just as you created it). Repeat this for all the other 3 OTS you want to change. When done, now press SAVE and save this 'new style' as a USER STYLE (you cannot over write a factory style but you can use it as a template from which to build/create your USER styles. Now you can repeat this for all other OTS and syles in question. When done, you can now proceed to select your style, voices ... etc and save/create REGISTRATIONS. The design approach was ... although you can create your own styles, voices... etc, the factory ones should remain un-touched incase they are ever needed.
4.Should the transpose button have the option not to change until next left hand chord is played rather than immediately if ones left hand is on the keys.
>>>AJ:- This is already done. You have to press both transpose -/+ buttons to access the TRANSPOSE MODE and set as you wish. Now when you transpose, nothing happens until you play the next chord on the left or until you play the next note on the righ. This is accessed when the STYLE button is off ... but we will modify the software so it can be accessed indipendent of the status of the style button (if you asked me, it should actully be accessed when the STYLE button is on as you need transposition features when using a style ... but what do I know?
5.Will an update have the ability to easily alphapetize registrations.
>>>AJ:- Working on that. Remember, the registrations are files and so placing them numerically for faster numeric access was a priority since it is way faster to key in a value associated witha Registration (e.g 45) than to spin the wheel or search through 600 Registerations when you have 30 that being with Arxxx and registraiton # 45 is 4 pages away. You do have a valid point here .. search alphabetically especially if you already know the name of the Registration file you're looking for, however numeric is faster - all you do is enter in the numbe corresponding to the Registration and it gets loaded instantly.
6.Right hand voice octave did not save in reistrations.
>>>AJ:- Similar response as in #3 above. Edit the right hand voice, change the octave of the right hand voice and save it as a USER voice. Then use the new USER voice in your registration (it's octave would have already been changed).
Remember that posibly coming from a different keyboard, things may be done slightly differently from what you may be used to. Functions may have different names or be accessed and executed with different steps ... but at the end, what you are looking for is achievable - just done differently :-)
Here are some additional demos we just completed which shows you some of our AJAMSONIC USER VOICES and Audio drums used (focus on the screen) while turning on/off different style parts to make the style 'breath' better ... I may have played them all with a little LATIN flavor but ... enjoy:-
Big band & Canadian Folk- & Charleston:-, Raggaetone & Fox Country:-