I was at NAMM this winter and had a talk with them about the Turbosound system, it has potentional to be a very good system, but these are only proto types and no one can hear them. I also found that the whole new turbo sound line specs are very strange, claiming over 2000 watts to produce a minimual spl?
I think they will be in direct competition with the LD Maui line up.
I sell almost all the lines of portable line arrays.
HK Audio
LD Maui
RCF Evox
at one time Bose
the European products sound the best but are the most expensive.
the LD Maui and Bose have a different sound from each other but are a definite 2nd to the others, I would imagine from what I saw and talked to that the Turbos will be in this category too.
Give me a call, and we can talk more, I sell more than just speakers too