Hello Bill,
Some reply here.
Regarding the automatic drive letter search: when you have multiple USB devices connected, like multi-slot cardreader, like me, and a USB stick, then windows decides which driveletter for "which removable disk". Normaliter you have always the same drive letter for the SD Card. If after installing of the software it appears that the driveletter was wrong during the install and that it must be e.g. drive G: then you can easily make it work by deleting the shortcut and make a new shortcut with command line:
"C:\Program Files\KN7000\SDExplorer\SDExplorer.exe" G:
Regarding the limited use of the demo: what you say is not true: the demo allows 10 actions, so you can move a folder, rename a song, import some songs, export some, add a folder, rename a folder. And by that time you will get the message.
Here is a test I did for you again:
I install the software and left all settings to default, so the drive letter for the SD Card is E: However with my multi-slot reader the SD Card slot has driveletter K:
Now, when I insert the SD Card into the reader the dialog "What do you want Windows to do?" appears for my SD Card drive K: I select "Explorer KN7000 SD Card using KN7000 SDExplorer" and the programs starts without problem showing the contents of the card.
Now I close the program and double-click the shortcut on the desktop and get the error "Can not open KN7000 file structure E:\: The system cannot find the path specified". So I deleted the shortcut that was created during install (msi routine) and created a new shortcut with commandline:
"C:\Program Files\KN7000\SDExplorer\SDExplorer.exe" k:
Double click on it opens the tool nicely.
You talk about bugs, which are not relaly bugs but Windows behavior.
Kind Regards, Fred
Kind Regards, Fred