Style Assembly using Style Creator.
Basic Style Structure: Tyros or S Series units...
Style file: 15 Sections (not including Intro 4 and Ending 4 which cannot be used from the keyboard).
Sections: Intro 1, Intro 2, Intro 3, (Intro 4), Main A, Main B, Main C, Main D, Ending 1, Ending 2, Ending 3, (Ending 4), Fill In A, Fill In B, Fill In C, Fill In D, Break. Each section contains eight Channels (parts)
Channels: Rhythm 1, Rhythm 2, Bass, Chord 1, Chord 2, Pad, Phrase 1, Phrase 2.
To copy a section from one style, lets call it the 'Donor' style, to another style which we will call the 'Recipient' style, first copy both styles to the same drive and folder in either the USER drive, HD1 or USB1. This is not really necessary, but it will make the process very much easier and less error prone. It may be worth creating a folder called 'Assembly styles' or something similar and start by copying the styles that you are going to use during the process to this. If you can keep the total number of styles in this to 10 or less, this will also make things easier. The reason for doing this will become clear once you start the assembly process.
Buttons in the following instructions relate to Tyros4.
Load the Donor style and open Style Creator.
The 'BASIC' page will open with a sub window headed 'RECORD' at the bottom of the screen. This will have the RHY2 channel set ready to record. Press the lower 2 button to change this to ON. This will prevent any notes being accidentally being recorded to this channel. This is not really necessary but I always prefer to do it.
Press EXIT and the RECORD window will close. If option 1 in the list at the top of the screen is selected, the lower part of the screen will show selection boxes for the SECTION and the PATTERN LENGTH. Use button pairs 3 or 4 to highlight the section that you want to use from this style and note it's Pattern Length.
Press EXIT twice to return to the MAIN display. If you have changed anything you will get a message prompting you to Save the style when you press Exit the first time, but don't save.
Now load the Recipient style that you want to change from the folder where you saved it.
Open Style Creator and repeat instructions 2 and 3. Then proceed to 7.
If the Pattern Length of the section that you want to change in the Recipient is different to the length of the one in the Donor style, then use the 5 or 6 buttons to to set it to the same length as the Donor.
If you had to change the pattern length in 7, press EXECUTE (button D) to actually embed the new length in the Recipient style.
Use the TAB buttons to move to the ASSEMBLY page. This is where the copying is actually carried out, and shows all eight channels (parts) in a style (RHYTHM1 & 2, BASS, CHORD1 & 2, PAD, PHRASE1 & 2). If copying a complete section rather than just certain channels such as the Rhythm parts, I find that it is easier to simply copy all channels, even if there is no pattern data in some of them!
Ensure that the section in the Recipient style that you want to copy to, is correctly set by pressing one of the style section buttons on the keyboard. A small window will open allowing you to set the correct section. It will open already set at the section for the button you pressed, so if you pressed the button of the section that you want to change you won't need to change the section here, otherwise set the correct section using the 6 or 7 button pairs. Press OK (upper 8 button) to accept the the selected section and close the SECTION window.
You are now ready to start copying! We will start to copy from the first channel (Rhythm1).
Press the A to D, or F to H button next to the channel that you want to change (button A for Rhythm1). The channel will be highlighted in the display.
Check the Section and the Channel in the lower part of the display. This is where you select the section and channel that will be copied from the Donor style to the Recipient now being edited.
Each time that you select a channel to change, the Section setting to copy fromwill be set to the same section that you are currently changing in the Recipient file. If you are copying from the same Section of the Donor file that you are changing in the Recipient (e.g. Intro2 copied from Donor to Intro2 of Recipient) then this will already be set correctly. If you want to copy from a different section of the Donor file, say Intro3, then you will need to use buttons 2 or 3 to set this each time that you select one of the channels.
Press the button associated with the highlighted channel again and the Style Selection display will open. This will always open at the page containing the Recipient style that you are changing.
Now find and select the Donor file that you want to copy the channel from. If you copied the Donor and Recipient styles to the same folder as suggested at the top of these instructions, the Donor file will be visible on the same page as the Recipient, and you won't have to change location, folder or even page to select it, which makes things much easier.
Press EXIT to return the display to the Assembly page after selecting the Donor file, and the channel will now show the name of the Donor file.
Repeat 12. to 17. above for each different channel that you want to change. I find it easier to just do them all if I am changing all channels for a section!
Once you have changed all the channels, you should save the changed style by pressing SAVE (button J). It's a good idea to change the name slightly so that you can easily identify it in future. You can save the partially edited style at any time if you want to be cautious, and I would suggest that you save it at least after changing one section.
You can listen to the section of the style at any time without having to leave Style Creator by pressing the style Start/Stop panel button.
You can then continue and select another section to change if you want to, by pressing a Style Section panel button to open the Section selection window again. You can copy another section from the same Donor file or a different section from a different Donor, or even a different section from the Recipient! Once you have finished changing the style, save it and press EXIT to return to the MAIN display.
Edited by Dnj (10/27/15 09:30 AM)