This is some of what is being posted on Korg forum:
After a few days of using PA4x found so far several bugs/problems:
1.Pads are locked in Global,and saved 4 constant pads on " My setting" for start up ,but,after restart, these pads are not the ones selected and memorized,and volume- eq -fx values ,too. - Conclusion - Pad lock function does not working properly.
2.No individual Songbook entry delete option (only initialize Songbook option - wipes whole Songbook )
3.Can not write current style/kbd set/voice preset in Songbook (Book Edit 1 - Write current ) if other style is selected for that song. It can be only saved as new song
4. Voice preset lock option is missing. Voice preset randomly goes on user preset 1 when changing kbd set. There is "Global" check box in Mic tab on main menu screen but after changing style , that Global checkbox always reset to "checked"
5.Found compatibility issues -pa3x styles to pa4- some parameters pa4x did not loaded exactly as they were in pa3x ( Mixer - master fx values for some styles)
6. Compatibility issues with converting Pa3x performances to Pa4x keyboard set - some parameters did not load exactly as they were on pa3x (Master FX values in Mixer menu)
7.Tried to delete random style in Direct style SET which is located on storage internal labeled "DISK" (KORG DISK) and style couldn't be deleted, says "device generic error" . Worked after keyboard restart.
8.Scroling Effect with finger is randomly working, most of the tries and time doesn't work ... Searching for right Insert FX is not easy now...Only work fine when listing effects with wheel ,touch is not working properly .
9. Display font and graphics are not sharp, very bad feeling for my eyes. I am wearing glasses and this is not very pleasant experience,especially when we do not have Songbook editor,styles are not loaded correctly from previous models (explained above) and I spending now hours with Pa4x watching in that display...Not convenient at all.
That's it for now,after 2 days effective usage...Probably will find more. Waiting for new and improved OS
Please correct the image resolution.
Everything is blurred.
The screen has a high resolution and the image is low
MIDI to MP3 recording to storage KORG HD at 126 BPM MP3 was recorded up to 23 measure. As if the recording starts after 23 measures. While the recording was started first and then play midi !!
MP3 song is not complete. Missing 00:00 to 00:38 seconds!
I'm sure most if not all, plus other problems will be addressed in OS update. It won't take as long as the Ketron update.