Finally have an off day on Saturday and will be driving up to Sweetwater in Ft. Wayne, IN to spend some time with the s970. They'll be setting me up in their performance auditorium, where I'll set-up my entire system, so I can hear for myself what I'll sound like on a regular basis. They open at 9:00am, I plan on being there around then...I'll work until lunchtime, grab lunch with my sales guy and then spend a little more time afterwards.
I've watched dozens of videos on the 970, some very good and have a good idea of what the board can provide me.
Some of the hands-on issues I'm most interested in include:
*keybed feel
*on board harmonizer
*registration construction/saving/load time
*audio styles
*backwards comnpatability
If all goes well, I'll buy one...if not, I won't.
Not the best time of year to break in/set-up a new kb, but they may be a good thing in the longt run if I decide to purchase one this weekend.
More later!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Edited by Bill in Dayton (11/25/15 11:20 AM)
Bill in Dayton