#4123 - 05/11/06 06:17 PM
Bought a second keyboard.
Senior Member
Registered: 04/16/03
Posts: 1531
First off, want to say hi, and second just bought a Korg Poly-61, for $170.00 from a drummer in New York. (third one I have owned) Also have a Korg KS-61 on back order from Sweetwater. ED: You are right, it is better to own more then one keyboard. Studio is slowly comming together, need to replace my single "X" stand, with one that will hold three. Also need to invest in a good mixer, used preferably. As well as a good software sequencer. There are some other synths I would love to aquire. Espically a moog, not just a mini, any moog, well at least one that I could afford. Would love to own an Ion, Nord Lead, MS2000, TR-61 or X50, EPS-61+, the Korg Legacy Collection. List is endless. I'm not sure, but I think I am starting to go gear crazy.
#4125 - 05/12/06 02:45 PM
Re: Bought a second keyboard.
Senior Member
Registered: 04/16/03
Posts: 1531
Thanks ed. Aside from pre-ordering the KS-61 controller keyboard, I hadn't really thought about buying another synth, but when this gentleman offered me a Poly-61 for $170.00 I could not pass up the offer. Especially since I have a web site dedicated to the Poly-61. http://paulspoly61-page.tripod.com Yea, I had heard about Waldorf up and running again, over on the VSE BBS. They are nice synthesizers, but are a bit expensive for me. Having hardware synths, is really cool, becuse you have a physical object to work with, as opposed to useing a mouse. Your right, about a lot of classic analog synths, becoming more and more expnsive. I also noticed that, the origanl Clavia Nord Lead is fetching high prices as well, and it's only 12 years old. That Mackie Mixer, is it a desktop or rack mount module? As I am limited for desk space. Thanks for the recomendation on the MIDI Interface.
#4129 - 06/07/06 03:30 AM
Re: Bought a second keyboard.
Senior Member
Registered: 04/16/03
Posts: 1531
Okay, it's now June 7, 2006, and still have the poly-61.It's not getting much use, nor is the Arp Omni, but then again, I'm not a performer. Of course it's dosen't make much sense, too own two performance synths. Of course, I'm not giveing them up either. I'll figure something out. I bought the Omni, becuse it was cool looking, and cheap, and bought the poly-61, becuse there was not much on it, on the net. Plus it was inexpensive as well. I just wish KORG had made the Arpeggiator splitable on the Poly-61, but unfortunealty it's not. sigh! I'm still waitng on my KS-61 controller keyboard, which KORG has now decided to release in July, when I thought, it was going to be released in May. I wish I knew the reason for the delay, but could find nothing on their websites. US or Japan.
#4132 - 07/31/06 06:32 PM
Re: Bought a second keyboard.
Senior Member
Registered: 04/16/03
Posts: 1531
Well, there are some considerations,like maybe, getting a bigger computer desk. A computer workstation. Or, I could put it on top of the omni.
As far as the new Korg Keyboard, Korg still has not shipped yet. First, they were going to ship the K-61 in May, then July, but it could be August now. I just wish I knew what the hold up was?
Yeah! The TI is nice, but really expensive, I'm sure it will come down, in price eventually. I toyed with the Poly Evolver, and SH-201, both pretty cool keyboards. Although the Evolver is expensive. The SH-201 is a throw back to Roland's earlier SH synths from the 1970's. Rather unusal synth, in that it has no dispaly. Last synth I saw that had no display was my music teachers Minimoog.
The Radias looks cool, but a bit over priced.