AJ say it will be more to come in OS updates.
(Bold text in quote done by me.)
Where do I start? We just got back from Germany and are playing catch up, so if I am slow to get back you, please understand why.
To answer your question simply Henni, the answer is "No". The SD9 PRO offers features not found in AUDYA but which customers have asked for.
The AUDYA also offers features not found on the SD9 PRO with more to come in OS updates.
Although they share a lot in common (like Live Audio Drums, Live Audio Guitars ... etc), each customer will have to decide which of these units best fits their needs.
Having said that, I must say we had a lot of excitement at or booth this year where both products were present. Meeting distrbutors, dealers and users from all over the world was a plus and we want to say "THANK YOU" to all those who stopped by and for your contineous support for KETRON products.