OK, I'm impressed. I've been trying out the SSV.3 in my den(a room roughly 15 X 20). Been using my Tyros 4. Amp settings are all 12 O'clock.
The sound will be hard to describe...but it's big...at least in that room. I think the whole key is that width feature. With the width shut off, it's like a nice mono amp...very clear, very nice sounding, and good range. But when the width feature is engaged, it's like there's two amps instead of one...the sound really grows.
I hooked up my Sennheiser e835 Mic and sang along...wow. It's like the sound just fills up the room. I was grinning ear to ear.

I've tried placing the amp in a couple of places...right now the amp is next to the Tyros. So far, I've liked the sound about everywhere I've put the amp.
My plan is to use the amp for small gigs when I solo. I have no clue as to whether or not I can duplicate what I'm hearing now in another setting....hope so.
One final note. I almost sent the unit back to Sweetwater...didn't know if I could justify it. I'm really glad I tried it out.
Thanks for following the thread.
Take care.
Rog L