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#41945 - 02/04/02 04:29 PM Hello BEBOP, very nice down here;)
Jupiter5 Offline

Registered: 10/31/00
Posts: 233
Been VERY busy this last two weeks, so not posted a lot. Nice to see great forum developing here in "Technics discussion". Seems like it's already established itself (in this short time) as a forum to be reckoned with

It's nice that we can all mix “pain with pleasure” (tech talk V Humor ). I am still enjoying the KN6500, despite the fact that a new one will be available come Autumn!. I suppose the KN6500 is "Really" older (virtually) than 1 year, because it is a KN6000 with more extra's, but not that many you would call it a totally new board. The KN7000 may be that one.

Nice to see you Scot down here!, I hope you are fit and well!. All the best to all of you new members, and may we ENJOY ourselves here.

Right, back to the decorating


[This message has been edited by Jupiter5 (edited 02-04-2002).]

#41946 - 02/04/02 05:22 PM Re: Hello BEBOP, very nice down here;)
Bob Hendershot Offline

Registered: 12/02/99
Posts: 924
Loc: Johnson City, TN USA
Welcome, Jupiter5. Some of us have been on this forum for several years. It's nice to see more people here now.

#41947 - 02/04/02 05:24 PM Re: Hello BEBOP, very nice down here;)
BEBOP Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/02/00
Posts: 3781
Loc: San Jose, California
Hi Jupiter,
Thanks for the shout. It is good to hear a little encouragement once in awhile. Makes it all worth while. Hope to see you here often and sharing your expertise with us. Best to you and happy music on your 6500.

Moderator SynthZone TECHNICS FORUM
Bill Forrest in SAN JOSE, CALIF. USA ICQ # 562519

#41948 - 02/04/02 06:31 PM Re: Hello BEBOP, very nice down here;)
peter castanos Offline

Registered: 11/25/99
Posts: 59
Loc: sydney australia
Yes, actually it would we interesting to do a survey on the trackerball. Sure it's fun, but how many of us use it in practise?
I guess I could live without it especially if technics spent the money saved on some other feature, eg on-board hard drive or even a decent harmoniser.

#41949 - 02/04/02 06:44 PM Re: Hello BEBOP, very nice down here;)
Jupitar5 Offline

Registered: 02/04/02
Posts: 307
Loc: United States
Hello Peter,

I'm not a singer, so the Harmonizer isn't at the "Top" of the Agenda as far as I'm concerned. However, I DO hope, for other peoples sake (who use harmonizers), that we will get a really decent one in the KN7000. Afterall, Yamaha in there PSR9000 have been doing it for along time now, so I would expect Technics to (at least) put a harmonizer that is as good - or better than the one the yamaha 9000 has. Technics have had plenty of time to think about has to be said!!.

I use the Trackerball (Sound Controller)a lot for sequencing, and performing as well. so I hope they leave that intact, and also give it the ability to record in Composer mode (which it can't).

On other features, we can only choose but wonder what will be on the KN7000. We can speculate till the cows come home what will be on the KN7000, but we will have to wait and see. Apart from the Harmonizer Peter, what other features would you like to see?. I would like to see more Wave Rom as stock for example (like 64 as standard etc....)

[i]With the ever increase in technology, the word "impossible" should be used with Caution - if at all..

#41950 - 02/04/02 09:44 PM Re: Hello BEBOP, very nice down here;)
peter castanos Offline

Registered: 11/25/99
Posts: 59
Loc: sydney australia
Hi Jupitar

I guess we all have different ways in which we use our keyboards and therefore different priorities, so it's pretty much impossible for technics to fulfill all our wishes, but I guess all we can hope for is that whatever they do with the 7000, they do it well. That certainly was not the case with the harmoniser!
For me as a live (at home) player about 100 slots for user styles would be good. A hard drive would be even better.


#41951 - 02/05/02 01:30 AM Re: Hello BEBOP, very nice down here;)
technicsplayer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
Hey, all our old aquaintances from Technote! Welcome, Guys, this is going to be fun

#41952 - 02/05/02 10:48 PM Re: Hello BEBOP, very nice down here;)
Nigel Offline

Registered: 06/01/98
Posts: 6483
Loc: Ventura CA USA
Jupitar5, you know you can change your password to whatever you wish anytime you want. Just click on the "Profile" link near the top of the BBS pages.

And you can always contact me if you have problems with an existing account. I will always try and fix things or at least delete the old account if you have had to re-register.

Do you want to use the old Jupiter5 account or the new one ?

[This message has been edited by Nigel (edited 02-06-2002).]


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