Below is a verbatim reprint of Cees latest message, an item added to his last post. I just wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to read it without the need to scroll down the page.

"Hi best forumfriends,
I have just published Take2 of the first Doubletake Playalong.
I think the Jaybirds would appreciate your reaction on the great job they do for the kn7000 keyboardists. Now you can compare the two versions. Please make some time to post your comment (or send them by email your reaction)
Also published a new delicious song from:
19-09-06: DAVID YOUNG
20-09-06: A One-side Love TAKE2 from the Jaybirds.
Please visit and click on the 'Strictly Guitar'-picture or on the 'On-screen Playalong'-picture on the startpage or visit the Guest Players' Personal Keso-Page.
Greetings and have fun,
Webmaster of KESO-songs, KESO-Café and KESO-Jukebox"