I'm sticking with the SD7. For my gig needs it is a much better fit. The PA4X is a good arranger but just not what I need for gigs. I play 100% for the senior population - many of which or 80 to 90 years old. They detest songs or styles that are to much "in your face" type of music. The PA4X has to few styles that truly fit the music I have to play for my audiences. The controls for live playing on the PA4X are really neat and the touch screen works great. The set list and songbook features are very easy to use. The Midi to style conversion works good and in general it is a very good keyboard. I could have used the PA60 or PA80 styles which all played great but I just don't have the time now to get it all set up for my needs.
Anyway, I don't want my short time of keeping it to sound negative to anyone