My worst outdoor job was an outdoor wedding at a country club on June 1st of that year. The ceremony took place at 1 p.m. on the lawn next to the country club, the temperature in the shade was 101 degrees, 90 percent humidity, not a breeze blowing. I was in the shade of a tree, wearing a traditional, black, winter tux, and soaked with sweat. After playing for the crowd for nearly an hour, one of the ring bearers came to me and said "Miss Cynthia says she will be another 25 minutes before she can come out and wants you to continue playing until she gets here." I told the kid to tell Miss Cynthia that if she wasn't here in 5 minutes, there would be no music at all and I would be gone." The people seated in front of the alter were mostly elderly, some actually passed out from the heat, kids from the country club were walking through the crowd handing out glasses of ice water - it was a freakin disaster. Five minutes later the bride to be finally walked out, everyone applauded, I played the wedding march, and within five minutes the ceremony was over (I believe the minister did a hurried up version so people could get out of the heat.) The bride came to me, handed me an envelope and said "You'll never hear from me again." and stomped away. I said thank you, packed up my gear, drove home and climbed in a cold shower, which really felt great.
That was the last wedding I ever did and it was back in 1985.