Had my Pa 4x since Saturday and luv it. The sound is brilliant.
Got a bit of a shock though when I loaded some of my " User Styles" .
My User styles are mostly my PSR conversions which I've spent a fair bit of time on converting and tweaking.
My heart kind of sank.
The drums were not playing back correctly in the styles mode.
Worked perfectly OK in the Pa3x, but not in the Pa4x.
My first thought was that the PA4x was faulty, ( could just see myself hitch hiking down the highway, rather than tell hubby we had to make another 5hr trip to go get it fixed. Haha)
Anyway common sense prevailed , and realised more likely it was software related.
So went thru the styles and noticed they were playing GM drum kits instead of the XG kits they were recorded with.
Edited the XG kits into the style.Everything ok, until I switched the keyboard off.
When I turned it back on the Gm kits were back .
Mentioned it over on the Korg forums and fortunately one of the guys tested the XG kits out for me. Ended up with the same results and conclusion , it's a bug.
Actually a relief , because korg will have to fix it since it's touted as XG compatible.
Fortunately there is a workaround for my styles, ( thank goodness for user kits) until such time as korg fixes the problem.
I sent styles to a few of the members here, amongst them were factory, my User styles and Song styles. The only ones affected would be User and maybe some of the song styles. If any of them would have been useful, EXCEPT for the drum track not playing back correctly, they can be fixed quite easily and I'll do them as required.
All in all, I'm really happy with the keyboard, the Paas sound bar as never sounded as good.
The styles somehow, sound different, better, not sure if they have actually altered them, or if it's the new sounds.
best wishes
Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022