Rikki, I would take a midi file turn it into a technics file and then create a user drum track for the midi file; they only had room for one user drum track � the end product was one good sounding midi file.
One big advantage --- you could play the midi file in any of the styles/rhythms in the keyboard. Stardust could be a cha cha , or a big band swing or a disco if you wish.
Wow, this brings back many memories.
John C.
Hi John,
Doesn't it just.
One can only dream where they'd be at, 12 years down the track.
( you know you can do some pretty amazing things with that korg of yours)
I remember one beautiful sunny morning, I'd just gotten up from my kn7 to grab a glass water. I was looking out the window and I noticed this 12 ft gum tree branch hit our power line.
Ran back to my kn7, too late, the display screen was dimming. Power was fading out, , so was my keyboard. Long 3 hour wait till they restored power, kn appeared to be dead as a Dodo.
Thank goodness for the technics forum. I mentioned it, and Alec or Alex? ( technics player) GENIIOUS that he was, got back to me with this monumental list of instructions on how to reboot it. Couldn't beleive it, it worked.
The power outage managed to fry the TV set , video player and Foxtel box, but the keyboard lived on. Haha.
Built like a proverbial tank.