Thanks Rikki,
I was looking for this option.
Hi Deane,
hope it will be as helpful to you as it will be to me.
When I think back at how many countless hours I wasted on drum tracks in my conversions , basically trying to balance them in the mix.
The bass drum playing too loud for the snare.
Or brush swishes so loud , you couldn't hear any other drums.
So into the style editor and drop or increase the velocity of the offending drum instrument.
Finish it all,
Next day, sounds better , but still not right. So redo it again.
The solution in front of me the whole time in the form of Drum Editor function.
Good part is that it only affects individual styles.
Some of the other editing functions may come in handy too.
When I changed and turned on EQ ( as per post on korg forums)
I noticed some of the drums took on a slightly harsh sound, so I may have to adjust a bit ,
and/or adjust the sounds in the drum editor .
Good part is , you can listen to the style whilst making adjustments.
Funny how some of these functions are right in front of you, and you don't see them.