well at least some one has gotten it.
As Much as I have been enjoying my Juno-106. There is still this part of me that wants too have a Minimoog, and maybe even a .com synth. At some point not right now. Actually I really want a minimoog. I have not even given up on the porospects of owning one. If I ever get an oppertunity to spend the money to buy one I will, I would proabbly give up the Juno for a Minimoog.
ED, now don't freak out on me here! I really do love my juno very much and it is a wonderful synth, but it's not the exact synth that I want. But I am going to make the most of it until I finaly get enough money to afford a mini. Unless by some strange coincidence and this is even a remote possibility that the one I thought I bought last year pops up. Though I doubt that very much.
Also becuse the Juno is a preset synth, and the Mini is not. Oh sure I can change the prestes on the Juno too suit my needs, but I don't want too do that until I find a copy of the preset sounds on tape. So In case I do sell the Juno off, who ever buys it can reload the sounds back in. Or at least have them on back up.