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Registered: 03/02/06
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Originally Posted By: Dnj
I'm well aware of the multiple registration practices seems illogical to me and my style of playing, I ... But to each their own...
Donny, i work with 3 basic types of registrations..
1) Basic registrations that set up the keyboard in a certain way ( pedals , mic and such), this is where i start from while creating a new performance 2) Performance registrations, which sometimes have a full bank of up to 8 registrations, these can easilly be used to step to the next part of a performance.. you can use them for minor but also for very drastic changes, like stopping (part of the) style, changing tempo, muting tracks.. anything possible.. 3) Voice registrations, these change the voices of the keybpard only, this works very much like the keyb sets of the PA4x.. I have a map with Jazzy sounds, and a map with Classical sounds.. and more, just an easy way to contnously change your voices.. with the same style playing...
And there is quite a few other ways to use this feature. Now if you dont have need for number 2, as you seem to indicate, maybe the other ways still would come in handy.
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.
Registered: 09/24/02
Posts: 583
Loc: Raleigh, NC
I agree ... I use Registrations heavily on my Tyros5 ... for most songs, I have one Reg for the song. I use the RIGHT 1, 2, 3 to "prepare" additional sounds I can quickly switch to ... such as R1=Piano for the 1st verse, R2=Jazz Sax for a solo, and R3 to Vibes for change of sound for 2nd verse. Then I can combine R1+R3 for 2nd chorus, to get yet another sound - all from one Registration.
For some songs, that just "need" more than one Registration, I use more. For example, I do a Sound of Music Medley that uses about 16 registrations (2 banks of 8). When I play "Scenes From An Italian Restaurant" (Bily Joel), I need a bunch of reg's to pull it off. But >90% of the songs I play, only have a single Registration for them.
I have shared hundreds of my Registrations on the PSR site, but for T3 and T5. Search for me (jimlaing) or for "sharing registrations" to find them.
Oh, and I use unrealBook on an iPad, and use its MIDI features to call up Reg's on my T5, so that when I load up a song (scanned sheet music) on my iPad, the Tyros changes automatically to the appropriate Reg, and I can immediately play the song. I also have started using Registrations for alternative songs ... since I had ~400+ Registrations, and many more songs than that which I play, for some songs I'll "re-use" a Registration from some other song. For example, since in some instances some other Waltz is similar enough to "Beautiful Ohio" (as a random example), that I can use the "Beautiful Ohio" Registration for one other waltz (song). I simply program the MIDI data for that "alternate" song to call up the Reg for Beautiful Ohio. And if needed, I program a Tempo change via MIDI if the "alternate" song needs to be a bit faster or slower than I'd set in the Reg for Beautiful Ohio. (this is confusing to explain; hope it makes sense! :-)
Anyway, yes, Registrations on the Tyros are very powerful and useful ... Jim
Edited by jimlaing (09/22/1608:08 AM)
Genos / Tyros5 / HK Lucas Nano 600 / FTB Maxx 40a / EV ZX1A / Rock'n'Roller cart / Hauptwerk virtual pipe organ / misc other audio & music toys
I think of it like this,..........As a singer all I need is "my band with me" which includes all the other style parts & two backup singers (VH)....I use approx 50 styles which can cover any genre of songs I need all custom tweaked and edited for my way of playing including mostly the same 8 sounds, some layered, in OTS, STS, etc, in upper 1 & 2 sounds which rarely change as each member of the band would in real live performance playing "their" instruments. I can understand that "Instrumentalist players" need more sounds but that's not the case for me. I also have no need for charts or lyrics mostly which allows more freedom to play off the cuff the way I want it to sound. Works for me using One registration per song. Anything that goes beyond the workings of the arranger in style mode I create a custom Mp3 backing track to play & sing over as too many parts are needed for the arrangement I prefer. An arranger is a multifaceted tool to be used in many many ways!
I don't have a Tyros just a lowly PSR S 750 With an extensive repetoire of songs in multiple genres. I find the Registration System to be pretty amazing. I use one registration per song and this works great for organizing my performances until I have so many banks of 8 song registrations, that I need to type a reference sheet to categorize my songs. This is not good as the beauty of registrations is not having to deal with cheat sheets. I was hoping I could store my songs in Music Finder alphabetically as you have done in that screen shot from your Tyros. Looking at that alphabetical and numerical listing on your Tyros looks like I could quickly find any of my songs quickly. I'm sure I do not have that section shown in your screenshot on my PSR S750.
I was hopeful that MUSIC FINDER would do this for me as Korg's SONGFILE had worked for me in this capacity when had I rented Korg PA/600 and Korg PA 900. Alas, the Yamaha Music Finder is completely useless in this regard. It is not tied to registrations, so all your settings for volume and instrument choices etc. are reverted to default settings rendering this part of the Yamaha software totally ineffective for making a master list of my songs.
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Registered: 12/08/02
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Loc: Forest Hill, MD USA
Jerry, the PSR-series does not have a view feature like the Tyros does. It only has an info button, which allows you to view the information selected and stored in that registration.
All the best,
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!
Hey Gary, how do you handle the situation I describe? I would love to be able to call up my registration settings without trying to remember in which bank I have the song settings saved. This is especially important in responding to song requests.
God Bless, Don P. S. Don Mason, I bet you can do what I want with your Korg.
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Registered: 12/08/02
Posts: 15578
Loc: Forest Hill, MD USA
Don, the only way you can do that is to use an entire bank of registrations for each song, which then allows them to be listed alphabetically just like the Music Finder.
Some players I know name their registrations by letters, such as A, B, C, C2, C3, the letter indicating the song's title. This works for them, but I never liked it.
In my case, I used the Music Finder a lot, and rarely used registrations. My registrations were the same as yours, however, I named them in categories, but after a while, you tend to forget which songs are in Rock, Rock1 and Rock2. With the Music Finder, everything was alphabetical and I could scroll through the song list while playing and singing another song. When I found the next song I wanted to play, when I ended that first song, I mere pressed the Enter button, then pressed a chord and went right into the next song in less than a second. It was fairly easy for me. I believe I posted a video on this, and I will look it up and post it again before the Ravens Game kicks off this afternoon.
Here's the video I posted a couple years ago.
All the best,
Edited by travlin'easy (09/25/1610:27 AM)
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!
Senior Member
Registered: 12/08/02
Posts: 15578
Loc: Forest Hill, MD USA
When you think about it, if the MFD were expanded to include all the save features of a registration, then there would be no need for registrations. The same would be true if the MFD were eliminated and the registrations were automatically alphabetized regardless of whether the registrations were individualized or done as a full bank. In their favor, Yamaha provides you with more options in that you can select from three, different methods to store and select your songs. It's up to the player to determine which is more suitable for their needs. It can be as simplistic as the MFD, or as complex as registrations - take your pick.
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!