KETRON's registration format memorizes locations in memory, rather than file names themselves (soon to be updated). This means that if you have e.g. 5 voices in a USER FOLDER and you load another voice, based on the name of the voice, the list within the folder gets 're-arranged' alphabetically and as such your Piano voice that occupied location 1 in this folder could now move to location 2 and be replaced by the new voice e.g. Organ (O comes before P, right?).
So after loading new voices, when you go to reload your existing REGISTRATION, it now calls up that location that might have a new voice (Organ instead of Piano as was the initial case).
* Rename all your user voices in each folder. Simply number them in thier current order.
* When adding new voices, continue the number sequence such that each time you add additional voices, you do not displace the order in which the voices are stored.
* Now when you go to load your registrations, your appropriate voices are used with them :-)