A few days ago, I posted my opinion of the Lady Gaga half-time show. I still stand on my "thumbs down" opinion. If I want to see a "high-wire" act, I'll watch it at Ringling Brothers circus. Which leads into.......

Tonight I was doing some research on Darlene Love, who sang backup in many of the 60s hits, and the Phil Spector productions.

I came across these two videos......

So......my response to those who say the now generation was raised differently than we were and that's why they're into Lady GaGa extravaganza's is ......

........how could you not enjoy and appreciate and get caught in the beat of what you're hearing here no matter what generation you're in? You don't have to have been raised in the Sixties to appreciate songs like these with melodies in them. And singers who put legit life into those melodies without their voices being processed or multi-tracked or pre-recorded.

I mean.....there is Classical music and Opera written hundreds of years ago...in another generation and way before any of us were born even. Yet we still appreciate those masterpiece works when we hear them two hundred years later.....no matter HOW you were raised!

Times change but the human mind doesn't. It works best when listening to actual music and not actual "noise."

Going back again to my DJ days......the kid asked for this contemporary song whose only notable trait was "discombobulation!" I asked him did he like the song that much? His answer was "No!" I responded: "Why do you kids listen to this kind of music then? His answer: "It keeps us confused and it keeps our minds off of our problems." That kid was advanced well beyond his years.

BTW.....OT.....Phil Spector is in prison until at least 2028