Sorry Alec I did not mean to shoot the messenger
As for technics not making the software, they must have some connection otherwise keysoft would not get a look in for this software,after the fiasco earlier this year with the hardrives and how conveniently keysoft closed the website and left lots of people high and dry.
This software should have been included in the box with the 7000 even if the price had been altered accordingly, rather than leave the keyboard without the means to work properly as it should in this day and age also a bit of loyalty to the customer would not come amiss I personally have bought 5 of technics flagships over the last 10 yrs
and certainly will not buy a 6th. Also even down to the card and r/w we have to buy the inflated price panasonic card and r/w in order to get full compatability.
Thats got that off my chest.

[This message has been edited by kozykeys (edited 11-06-2002).]