....turned into Stupid PURCHASE of the day. Bought a $500 guitar for $319 w/free shipping and no tax. Who can turn that down, even if you can't play a single chord on it
. Man, it's too bad those things don't come with one-finger chords like Arrangers. Maybe the next version will have that feature; I'll check with Donny.
Actually, I had a similar instrument just to have something in my studio for 'visiting' guitarists, but in a moment of weakness, gave it to my grandson (who is taking lessons). So when I saw a chance to replace it cheaply, I jumped on it. I'll have to get my old guitarist (or Russ - whoever shows up first
) to set it up and check it out for any problems.
Actually, DonM started me down this dark road (SDOTD) and he will not be forgiven for it