I like Latin music, but that's like saying I like rock n roll, because there are slow songs, fast songs, good songs and bad songs. Actually I like nearly any kind of music if it is well done, but I rarely like to hear an entire evening of the same thing over and over.
I like to be able to hear the words and recognize a melody and chord structure. I don't like "screamers", well except Little Richard and James Brown, but that's not what I mean.

I like to hear vocals in a natural key.
Oddly enough, my least favorite kind of music is most of the "new" country, which is definitely NOT country and seems to be all written and arranged by some formula that includes beer, trucks, a hot girl and a wall of distorted guitars. I recently decided I need to learn some newer songs and I listened to most of the current top 50 country songs and found three I liked enough to learn.
Nor do I listen to what they now call "dance" music, or rap, which is to me just generally bad poetry over a boring, repetitive mechanical beat.
Wow, what brought all that on?