#434574 - 07/17/17 11:45 PM
Are you a good dancer?
Senior Member
Registered: 10/23/06
Posts: 1661
Loc: USA
I'm at a social function complete with dance floor. Trouble is.......I can't dance. Even took up ballroom dance lessons for a year, but wasted my money. I'm sitting there thinking I have so much rhythm in me, WHY can't I dance? Both my hands and feet are moving up and down to the beat, head is bobbing all around...every song that is happening.
A friend asked why I can't dance being a musician. I replied......"THAT'S why I can't dance. Musicians are glued to their instruments, especially a keyboardist. We're more used to standing there and getting our emotions out through the playing and not the dancing. Also....musician's are naturally analytical. We tend to analyze "where this foot goes....what to do with my hands....what direction do I look in, etc?" And that's what makes for a good musician....the ability to analyze what and how they are playing.
A really good bass player once said to me, when I asked him the correct way to play bass lines, "there is no correct way....you just feel the music and......play the bass line you feel!
A friend said the same thing to me years ago when I was trying to learn the cha-cha......"don't worry about the steps, just groove to the music and do whatever you want."
At the end of the day, I'm still "analyzing" my dance steps to the point I'm paralyzed.
Well, I'm exaggerating but not the "analyzing" part.
Do you think musicians are not natural dancers for any of the above reasons?